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Publications &



  • Meriwether, L. R. (2020). “I see you, sis”: Identity  development of black undergraduate women at an HBCU and a PWI (Order No. 28022505). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2446639838).

  • Meriwether, L. & Turner, T. (In progress). Housing while at an HBCU. Journal of College and University Student Housing.

  • Meriwether, L., & Spencer, D. (2019). Black male/female Leadership development as social Justice education. ILA Interface, (September 2019). 

  • Meriwether, L. (2018). Getting in formation to lead: Black female leadership development. In Guthrie, K. L., and Chunoo, V. S. (Eds) Changing the Narrative: Socially Just Leadership Education (Contemporary Perspectives on Leadership Learning). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. p. 93-108.

  • Meriwether, L., Philbert, B. (2016). Changing the supervision narrative. Talking Stick, 33(4), 39-45.

ACE 2022: Sprint Session: LaFarin Meriweather

A Pecha Kucha style presentation with ACUHO-I members sharing personal stories about their passions and interests.

Connections That Lead to Answers | TEDxFSU

Speaking about the power of words, and how declarative statements really can have an influence on the energy we put out into the world.

ILA Pause for Pedagogy | A Conversation with Dorsey Spencer and LaFarin Meriwether

A conversation about leadership development and pedagogy when exploring the leadership experience of Black collegiates.

Race, Rage, & Fear: Understanding Bigotry, Racism & Complicity

A powerful and thoughtful conversation on race, the rage it inspires and the fear that it creates. This video discusses statements like "I don't see color" and "I'm not racist" along with understanding the difference between bigotry and racism, and much MUCH more!

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